lørdag 1. januar 2011

My House

Posted by: Unknown

Story 1. The People
This is a quick one. In October one year at 2 AM, I awoke to sounds. I looked outside my window and saw a group of white clothed and hooded (not kkk) people with torches standing at the end of our property (3 acres) on the gravel road. They were just standing there. I awoke my parents, they saw them, and they ordered us to lock all the doors and get upstairs and lock the door. We watched them for an hour, then they just turned around and walked into the woods. FUCKED UP? YES!

Story 2. The Faces
Upstairs in our house all the walls and ceilings are covered in swirl spackle designs. Most have been covered up with paneling and tile over the years. In the earlier days, I would wake up in cold sweats after having dreams of demons attacking me. I would open my eyes and look around the room in the moonlight. My eyes would focus on the swirling patterns. Now, I had a great imagination, but I know what's real. I'm always a skeptic. I would often see the patterns changing forming faces and watching me, their mouths gaping open and closed like screams. I would scream for my mom but nothing came out. My mom would finally hear me and comfort me. Also, my brother would sleepwalk a lot and sit and the top of the stairs. I would sometimes catch him and ask, "Why are you out here?" His response: "The faces" He attests he remembers nothing of these occasions.

Story 3. The Gateway
This one gets more fucked up every time I visit home, and I will explain why. For years as a kid and especially my high school years I would see a greenish vapor like form come between my room and my parents room. It would come thru the wall, hover, then vanish. This happened at least twice a month. As years went by and especially now when I go home, I look at the wall. The spackling is beginning to settle with age and an actual DOORWAY is coming thru the wall. It looks like it was covered up years ago. Definitely over 25 years ago, since we moved there.

Story 4. Fred
My dad is a light sleeper. If you wake him up, he stays awake. Well, my dad has many stories (my mom backs up) of him waking up and someone walking up and down the stairs. Loudly. It wakes my dad up. Also, sometimes during the morning, my mom sees a black shape of a man standing in front of her and then he disappears. My mom calls him Frank. My mom spoke to the former owners about this (we are good friends) and they say, "Oh Fred! Yeh, we've seen him many times"

Story 5. The Tombstone
There is a small, 1800's to early 1900's graveyard down the road. It's in a woods by a marsh. I would sometimes wander around it. Well, when I had my paper route for three years, I would ride by every day. There is a particular stone in the back corner that sort of resembles the Empire State Building. It is broken off at the base and lays 2 feet away. Every day, for three years, I would pick up that stone and set it on it's base. Every day for 3 years I would repeat. It always was laying 2 feet away in the same position.

Story 6. The Scariest Shit I've Ever Experienced.
Last year I visited home with my girlfriend. She stayed the night, we had a little fun, and she left the next day. The following night, as I'm sleeping, I wake up. There is an OLD child's rocking chair in my room with stuffed animals on it. The thing starts ROCKING. I'm freaking out and freeze with fear. I really wish that was it. Next, the stuffed animals start falling out of the chair one at a time. I'm freaking out and stiff as a board paralyzed with fear. So I'm laying there freaking out and I pull the covers up higher and turn on my side. The chair stops. I start calling for my mom. I couldn't produce words. Remember, I'm 24 years old! So I give up and lay on my side. Suddenly cold breezes start blowing on my ears. I'm REALLY freaking. SO I turn on my side and tense completely up. What happened next I will NEVER forget. I'm laying there and SUDDENLY a voice whispers in my FUCKING EAR. It was unintelligible, but imagine someone talking by breathing in and speaking backwards. I SCREAM AND BOLT OUT OF MY ROOM and jump into my parents' bed! I'm freaking out! My dad is pissed. My mom is trying to calm me down. She assures me it's ok. Finally she says "Oh that was probably Frank, we haven't seen him for about 6 months and we don't know why." That did NOT help. So I ended up going back into my room and turned on my light and managed to fall asleep about an hour later.

The next day I was talking to my girlfriend and she reminded me she was on her period. She also informed me that hormonal women are sometimes attributed to waking up sleeping spirits. Um.... She also informed me she's never sleeping over there again. She broke up with me last January, so that's not a problem.

There have been many other small things that have happened. Corner of the eye apparitions, things moving from where they were, etc. We also have an old dirt cellar with steps leading down. Let me tell you, I'm 25 now and I still cant go down there without thinking some fucking zombie is going to reach thru the steps and  grab my legs. We have holes in the side of our basement walls that lead into small rooms. We've explored in there as a kid and found all sorts of animal bones. Goddamn, my house was fucked up.

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