lørdag 1. januar 2011


Posted by: Nonder

Oh man, I've had so many weird occurances happen to me and my family, I could write a book...

This is pretty scary and I swear its %100 true.

When I was 19 or 20 I moved back in with my mom for a year. She had just moved into a new house in a new town, so I pretty much just let her and my sisters do what they wanted and ended up taking a small bedroom at the dead end of the hall, right next to the attic door.

Well, weird shit started happening immediately. It most frequently came in the form of "conversations". I would be in the shower, or, say, come home late one night and be in the garage smoking and hear clear as day people talking in the house or in another room, only to realize upon entering that noone is there, or everyone in the house is asleep. This also had happen to friends of mine and everyone in my family and happened on a very regular basis. Now, I know thats not that creepy, but heres where it starts to get weird.

I ended up having a discussion about it with my mom (who I should mention is very superstitious and all into occult shit and spiritual stuff), when she tells me that the guy who she bought the house from was found dead in the attic the day after the house was signed over. He was a young guy, too, apparently the death was a complete mystery. Now, I don't really know what I believe about spirits or the afterlife, but that was still pretty damn creepy.

Well, life goes on and we dealt with our little oddities, brushing it off as our "ghost". Weirder things would occur from time to time, my tv changing channels or turning off itself, waking up to find my closet door open with the light on. There was also a week or so where my littlest sister refused to sleep in her room because she was scared of the "man in the shadow", to this day she still won't elaborate on it. But the scariest thing yet happened right before I moved out.

I suppose a diagram would be helpful in telling this story, so here. This is the second floor of my mom's house, the green is the hallway:

As you can see that looking out of the door of my room, all I could see is a blank wall. Well, it was late one night and I had just about drifted to sleep, when I hear my mom outside my door whisper my name "Nik...Nik" groggily I replied. No response, so I forgot about it, then I hear her again, further down the hall, saying my name as if she needed me for something, "Nik...Nicholas!" Her calling me like this was not usual as my mom always checks on my little sisters before she goes to bed and sometimes one of might get themselves in an odd position or something and mom will need help tucking them in.
Anway, I'm wondering what shes doing in the hallway with the light off at this time of the night, so, again, I shout back "Whats up? What do you need?" ...nothing. At this point I'm kind of annoyed, so I get up, open my door and head out to see what she needs. Not its dark in the house, but theres just enough light from a moonwindow to get my bearings. As soon as i turn left around the first corner of my room, I see my mom clear as day at the end of the hallway walking swiftly from her room to my sisters room, out of view. My mom always wears a long white nightgown, and while it was too dark to really see her face, I saw the nightgown. The whole time I'm whispering loudly out at her "Mom, what did you need?" and I'm still wondering what shes doing walking around in the dark.
I walk down the hallway and turn the corner at the end to my left, expecting to see my sisters' door open and her end there but ? the door was closed. I look in their room, my sisters asleep, noone else in there...I look in the bathroom, no one in there...I'm getting weirded out now so I rush down the stairs and make a quick run around, thinking maybe she went downstairs...nada. Finally, I peek in my mom's room, and shes fucking asleep in bed.

That was definately a wtc moment.....many other weird and scary things have happened to me and my family in that house and others. This one shocks me the most, though, because as sure as I'm sitting here I heard both my moms voice and saw her plain as day, there was no speculating whatsoever that I did. It's also creepy thinking about why something would want me to follow it like that...ehh, creepy shit

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